In the regulations below you will find the most important house rules that apply to guests of Hotel Mitland, Restaurant Vlonders, Mitland Bowling & Mitland Meetings. By entering our premises you agree to the house rules drawn up as below.
General rules
- All instructions from employees, related to house rules, must be followed. Complaints can be reported to the management;
- We treat each other with respect and it is therefore forbidden to make insults or discriminatory comments and/or by word or gesture (action), intimidate our visitors and staff in any way;
- Valid identification must be shown at check-in. Check-in is possible from an age of 18 years;
- We must adhere to the requirements of the Alcohol and Catering Law, therefore we do not serve alcoholic beverages to visitors under the age of 18. When in doubt about age, staff may ask to show proof of identity to verify your age;
- Under all circumstances we respect your privacy, however, we are authorized to enter your room in case there is a suspicion of non-compliance with house rules, or there is the suspicion of an emergency.
- Visitors in the room must be reported to the front desk at all times and are allowed until 10:00 pm at the latest. Guests staying must be credited to the reservation, and any additional charges must be paid. If unannounced guests are found in the room, the hotel may decide to charge them or ask you to leave the hotel immediately;
- There are cameras in various places within the hotel, anyone who is in our hotel consents to being recorded. These cameras support the employees in the building in maintaining order and safety. If necessary, video recordings can be used as supporting material by the authorities in the event of emergencies, the detection of any disturbances and/or criminal offenses;
- Hotel Mitland is not responsible for loss or theft of your belongings;
- The management, the owners of this location and/or persons working for Hotel Mitland cannot be held liable for any injury and/or material or immaterial damage that visitors to the location may suffer;
- Hotel Mitland is entitled at any time and without notice to terminate its services to you if you violate the house rules, or otherwise behave in such a way that the order and peace of Mitland Hotel are disturbed. You must then leave Hotel Mitland upon first request, whereby it is possible to issue a complete denial of hotel and grounds;
- A deposit of €50 applies to each reservation. Please ask at our reception for the conditions;
- All deliveries of Hotel Mitland in Utrecht are subject to the Uniform Conditions for the Hotel and Catering Industry. Download the UVH directlyfrom the website of Koninklijke Horeca Nederland.
- Extension of hotel stay is possible only by prior arrangement with the hotel and based on availability. Extension may vary in price per room per night. If the check-out time is passed without agreement, charges will be applied. In case the room has already been rented for that night, the hotel reserves the right to pack and store all belongings in order to prepare the room for the next guest. In this case, the hotel is not responsible for loss of, or damage to your property.
- In case of fire, remain calm. Report fire to the front desk and/or press the nearest fire alarm;
- In the event of a general fire alarm, leave the premises immediately;
- Under no circumstances use the elevators in case of fire;
- Unscrewing or tampering smoke detectors poses a danger to yourself and others;
- Housekeeping is authorized to check a hotel room every two days.
- In case of drugs or other substances, suspected weapons, or other illegal practices, the hotel reserves the right to involve the police or other government authorities to ensure the safety of staff and other guests.
It is forbidden to
- To smoke in the room. Smoking is only allowed outside, in designated areas. If we find that there is smoking in the room, we are obliged to charge €130,- for cleaning. If the fire alarm goes off due to smoking in the room, you will be charged the fire department's call-out fee of €275. Further measures such as disqualification can also be applied by management.
- Tape off smoke detectors; or disable them in such a way as to reduce their operation;
- To use or deal (soft/hard) drugs, on the Hotel premises. Should the hotel find drugs or such substances (including laughing gas, or whipped cream cartridges) in the room, you must leave Hotel Mitland upon first request and without refund of reservation or deposit;
- Using any form of open or smoldering fire in or around the hotel, such as for, but not limited to, the use of candles or incense. Any fire alarm sounding may be charged, as may fire department call-out charges (€275)
- Pets to be brought to the restaurant;
- Spreading confetti in your hotel room, or leaving your room seriously soiled. In all situations that exceed normal use, we will automatically charge a €130 cleaning fee;
- Emergency exits to be used as normal entrances and exits;
- Taking hotel property outside the building. If Hotel Mitland property is intentionally damaged, one can be held liable for the repair and/or renewal costs; this includes linen and bath towels with scan tag.
- Renting a room in your name without staying in the room yourself;
- Cause a nuisance to another including through loud music, obnoxious behavior or noise of any kind;
- Staying in the room with more than the permitted number of people.
- Receiving visitors in the hotel room for the purpose of paid sexual activities;
- On your own initiative to extend the stay. If you want to extend, it can be done in consultation with our reception and by paying the applicable rate. Check out must be done before 11:00 am. For every hour you stay longer in the room we will charge a fee of €17.00 per hour;
- To spend the night in a vehicle on our (parking) lot.
General Uniform Conditions of the Hotel and Catering Industry (UVH).
The Uniform Conditions for the Hotel and Catering Industry (UVH) are the terms and conditions on which hospitality businesses established in the Netherlands, such as hotels, restaurants, pubs and related businesses (including catering companies, party service companies, etc.), provide hospitality services and conclude hospitality agreements. Read our full terms and conditions of the UVH here .
In all cases not covered by these regulations, the management of Hotel Mitland will decide.